Package org.xulux.guilayer.swing.widgets

Class Summary
Button Represents a button in the gui
ButtonGroup Combine a number of checkboxes, buttons or radiobuttons into one group, which contain 1 field value.
CheckBox The nyx to swing implementation of a checkbox.
Combo The swing combo widget.
Dialog A dialog
Entry Represents an entry field
ImagePanel Container for an image.
Menu The menu widget
MenuBar The menubar widget
MenuItem Creates a menuitem or a seperator, based on the type of menuitem
Native A placeholder for a native widgets.
Panel A panel widget
PopupMenu A popopmenu
RadioButton Represents a radiobutton in the gui.
ScrollPane The scrollpane adds a scrollpane to the gui.
SplitPane The splitpane
Tab A panel widget
Table A nyx table..
TabPanel A panel that contains tabs..
TextArea The swing textare widget.
TextPane The swing textare widget.
ToggleButton Represents a togglebutton in the gui.
Window This is a swing window.

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